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The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me

The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me

I never liked doing homework. Heck, I never even liked going to class. All through high school and college, I always did the very least bit of studying possible. This…

Have You Made This Quantum Leap?

Have You Made This Quantum Leap?

The other day, I had the pleasure of spending an afternoon with one of the world’s leading small business experts when he came here to Chicago. We went back and…

Dan Kennedy: The Professor of Harsh Reality’s Lecture About Time

Dan Kennedy: The Professor of Harsh Reality’s Lecture About Time

Having recently had another birthday click over on the odometer, time is on my mind. It’s never far from it in my work-cave, because I have strategically placed more than…

Dan Kennedy: Two Sword-In-The-Stone Secrets

Dan Kennedy: Two Sword-In-The-Stone Secrets

“How To Make More Money Than Ever When Others Are Stymied And Struggling” My newest book, No B.S. Wealth Attraction In The New Economy is all about making yourself magnetic…

Will Politicians Ever “Get It”?

A little over two months ago, I wrote a post about the huge mistake Illinois politicians were about to make regarding affiliate marketing. You can read about it here. Unfortunately,…

Dan Kennedy: There Are Two Basic Ways

Dan Kennedy: There Are Two Basic Ways

There are two basic ways people can react, when they are have-not’s, observing have’s; when they are not doing nearly as well as some others in their field, industry or…

Dan Kennedy: How Serious Are You?

Dan Kennedy: How Serious Are You?

For reasons you don’t need to know, I recently found myself dragging from a shelf a huge book titled ‘Designing Casinos To Dominate The Competition’ by the pre-eminent expert in…

The End Of Affiliate Marketing

The End Of Affiliate Marketing

If you live in Illinois I strongly suggest you stop whatever you’re doing RIGHT NOW and write Governor Quinn. I got this very disturbing email from Amazon yesterday: Greetings from…

Yellow Pages Usage

The Yellow Pages industry is one of the very dumbest when it comes to Public Relations. Their PR people are so inept that they let the overwhelming majority of people…

You’re Elected!

You’re Elected!

Donald Trump is supposedly getting serious about making a run for the Presidency in 2012. We’ve been hearing rumblings and hints about this off an on recently, but according to…