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The Powerful Marketing Tip You Can Learn From An Eye Doctor

Recorded on Friday, September 21, 2018

My beautiful wife Michele and I just came from our eye doctor appointment and ordered our new glasses. I am getting the Shaquille O’Neal glasses. How cool is that? No one is going to mess with me, and I’m going to slam dunk on everybody!

Have you ever been to an eye doctor? If you haven’t, I’ll let you know how it works.

This was the first time we’ve been to this new eye doctor since we moved to sunny Arizona from Chicago almost three years ago. First thing he said to me was, “Sit down here and we’ll put you to work.”

And that’s exactly how it is for eye doctors, who have basically the easiest job in the world, because their patients do all of the work for them! I always say that I feel all if the pressure during the appointment, because if I get something wrong, I’m going to get the wrong prescription glasses.

If you’ve never been to an eye doctor, here’s how it works: They put some crazy contraption in front of your face, and put some letters or images up on the wall in front of you. Then they simply keep giving you two choices to pick from and ask you which one you see more clearly. That’s it.

The doctor keeps asking you, “Which one is clearer, A or B?” “A or B?” “A or B?” “1 or 2?” “Left or Right?” And this goes on for the entire appointment. It’s all what’s known as “A/B Split Testing.”

That is today’s Tip Of The Day: The key to marketing success is to split test. Do as the doctor told me to do: Take action. Sit down in your chair and get to work.

One of the biggest mistakes most business owners make is asking everyone what they think of their advertising and marketing — almost undoubtedly asking the wrong people. You ask your friends, or your employees, or your spouse — almost always someone who isn’t the person you’re trying to attract. You don’t ask your ideal target WHO.

The way to do that is simply to put it in front of them: to place the ad, to send out the email, to put out the social media message, publish the blog post, record the video — whatever WAY you’re using to get your message across and test the response, then to see if you hear back from people, and if they take the action that you want them to.

If you get positive results, do more of that. If you get no or negative results, tweak and adjust what you’re doing, or just don’t do that anymore. It’s really as simple as that.

So take it from the eye doctor. “A or B?” “1 or 2?” “Left or Right?” Depending on each of my responses, he offered me the next option. Every time I finally said, “They both look the same,” that portion of the appointment was over, and he went on to the next set of images or letters and simply repeated the testing process. Basically, I kept doing all of the work.

The lesson is to let your audience do the work by putting slightly different versions of your advertising or marketing in front of your target WHO, and seeing which version they choose. If you have an email list of 10,000 people, send your email with one subject line to 5,000 people, then use a different subject line for the email to the other 5,000 people, and see which one gets you better results.

Bottom-line: You learn best — and get the best results with your advertising and marketing — by testing. That’s what the eye doctor does with every single patient: He puts them to work. You should do the same with your marketing: put your audience to work. Let them tell you what works best. Then you can do more of that, and less of what doesn’t work. That’s the Tip Of The Day. I hope you take action based on this tip, and get massive results!

By the way: The results of my eye exam showed that my eyesight has actually gotten BETTER since my last prescription over three years ago. There is NO WAY I would have predicted that result without doing the actual testing, which is why testing is a powerful key to success.

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