People often hear the term multi-channel marketing and ask if it is the same thing as multi-level marketing. The answer is no, definitely not, no way! Multi-level marketing (MLM), as…
Paying for people to see your posts is simply just a part of doing business on Facebook. This is because Facebook makes no apologies for the fact that only 8%…
There’s a concept in my office that I created to help my affiliate manager ascertain which offers to mail to my list. I call it “Crossing the Line.” It’s very…
My beautiful wife Michele and I visited the party city of New Orleans last week during the start of Mardi Gras. While I connected with some old friends and made…
Last week, I wrote about some of the silly non-sports on display at the Winter Olympics, and the important fact every business person needs to realize: You are in “The…
I tuned in to NBC-TV’s coverage of the Sochi Olympics Opening Ceremony last week, knowing that I would watch very little of any of the actual two weeks of competition.…
By now, just about every marketer knows they ‘should’ be using a virtual assistant to free up their time for more important matters like strategizing, organizing campaigns, arranging JV’s, creating…
I’m obsessed with a high ROI on social media. Yet, today’s article is about engagement, not sales. How does engagement help drive ROI? The more people you have interacting with…
Here we go again. Loyal readers of this blog know that I post almost the exact same message every year after the Super Bowl lamenting how horribly ineffective that year’s…
Last Sunday morning, I watched a 1-hour special on ESPN all about the Seattle Seahawks’ Russell Wilson, and was immediately taken with the intelligence, dedication, work ethic, leadership and humility…
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