Here is a story of two brothers who ran a business to put themselves through college. The business wasn’t doing well and one brother wanted out. Big Mistake. The brother…
Do you remember back to when you first started your business? You were probably just like the rest of us… pretty darned happy and maybe even a bit on the…
Sounds backwards, right? Well, it is. “Backwards” to the way most of us have been taught to think about our businesses. Which is why it is such a powerful and…
Have you heard the news? My one-and-only-ever former corporate employer has now officially emerged from it’s bankruptcy: The new company has a new name (“Dex One Corp.”), a new…
Someone comes into your store (or you go to them), and gives you money in exchange for a product (or your services). Congratulations! You have a customer, right? Here’s one…
I just came home from working out on the Busiest Day Of The Year at every gym across America. Today was The Perfect Storm of reasons why the gym was…
You tell yourself you want to be successful. So do most people. But how many actually invest the time and energy to plan their marketing to reach their goal of…
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