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Joe Polish: Selling Past Barriers (Part IV)

Joe Polish: Selling Past Barriers (Part IV)

If you’re waiting for the right time before you can implement something, you’re going to be waiting a very long time, because the right time never shows up. Yeah, there’s…

Roger Abramson: Who Teaches The Best Marketing For Offline Clients? (Part I)

Roger Abramson: Who Teaches The Best Marketing For Offline Clients? (Part I)

A friend asked for my advice the other day: Who teaches the best marketing stuff for my offline business clients? Here is Part I of my response… My biz is…

Jason Leister: How I Doubled My Productivity With One Quick 15 Minute “Fix”

Jason Leister: How I Doubled My Productivity With One Quick 15 Minute “Fix”

Not long ago, I made a simple “fix” in my business that immediately doubled (probably more) my productivity. This fix happened in 15 minutes and the effects were immediate: less…

Perry Marshall: It really IS worth the Fight

Perry Marshall: It really IS worth the Fight

After I got laid off from engineering, I told my buddy Frank Kavenik, 15 years older than me, that I was going into sales. He’d started as an engineer, became…

Sports or Show Business?

Sports or Show Business?

I tuned in to NBC-TV’s coverage of the Sochi Olympics Opening Ceremony last week, knowing that I would watch very little of any of the actual two weeks of competition.…

Joe Polish: Selling Past Barriers (Part III)

Joe Polish: Selling Past Barriers (Part III)

People support what they help to create. If you have people that aren’t buying from you, ask them, “Why are you not buying? Why are you buying? I’m thinking about…

Dan Sullivan: What is the “confidence capability”?

Dan Sullivan: What is the “confidence capability”?

What is confidence? We tend to think of it as a personality trait or an emotional response, but my experience is that it isn’t as passive or reactive as that.…

Daven Michaels – The #1 Way Marketers Throw Away Their Time, Energy & Money

Daven Michaels – The #1 Way Marketers Throw Away Their Time, Energy & Money

By now, just about every marketer knows they ‘should’ be using a virtual assistant to free up their time for more important matters like strategizing, organizing campaigns, arranging JV’s, creating…

Kim Walsh-Phillips: Increasing Facebook Engagement for a Higher ROI

Kim Walsh-Phillips: Increasing Facebook Engagement for a Higher ROI

I’m obsessed with a high ROI on social media. Yet, today’s article is about engagement, not sales. How does engagement help drive ROI? The more people you have interacting with…

Super Bowl Ads – As Bad As The Game Itself

Super Bowl Ads – As Bad As The Game Itself

Here we go again. Loyal readers of this blog know that I post almost the exact same message every year after the Super Bowl lamenting how horribly ineffective that year’s…