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What NOT To Look For

What NOT To Look For

The United States has had a “job crisis” for several years, with millions of ready, willing and possibly-able workers frustrated and disappointed in their quest to find gainful employment. The…

How To Get An Un-Fair Advantage

How To Get An Un-Fair Advantage

It’s often said, “There are only two seasons in Chicago: Winter and Construction.” But there’s another phenomenon that occurs every year when the warm weather rolls around: There are plenty…

Time to Recharge – Or Just Charge?

Time to Recharge – Or Just Charge?

Last week in this space I talked about summer vacation. Just as summertime makes people think about relaxing, in this down economy most of your competitors are taking it easy,…

A Marketing Dream?

A Marketing Dream?

When my beautiful wife Michele and I bought our first home together, one of the first things we knew we had to do was to buy furniture. We were both…

Make A Sale To Get A Customer

Make A Sale To Get A Customer

Sounds backwards, right? Well, it is. “Backwards” to the way most of us have been taught to think about our businesses. Which is why it is such a powerful and…