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Stories written by Roger Abramson
Direct response marketing business adviser Roger Abramson has forgotten more than most hard-working entrepreneurs will ever know about painless client attraction for high-fee coaches who love working smarter, not harder, and putting the law of averages on your side to make financial success a systematic, predictable event. You might never expect the depth and breadth of knowledge, passion, intensity, ability and ambition from a throw-away kid from the projects who nearly flunked out of junior high AND one of the finest imaginable high schools… a school which proudly points to its excellent alumni including a famous astronauts, the World Trade Center architect, pro athletes, the state governor and even an NBA coach. Roger started a number of businesses which were profitable from day one. Took an early retirement at age 32 and explored 22 fascinating and surprising countries around the world, tried falling off a surfboard, running sailboats into things, and even rode a jet ski for the first time; badly. Then discovered how much businesses have been needlessly struggling lately and decided to pitch in and help out his heroes: the best and sharpest entrepreneurs on Earth, and maybe raise enough money to visit a lot more of those amazing cities, towns, and beaches while young enough to enjoy it.

Roger Abramson: Who Teaches The Best Marketing For Offline Clients? (Part II)

Roger Abramson: Who Teaches The Best Marketing For Offline Clients? (Part II)

A friend asked for my advice the other day: “Who teaches the best marketing stuff for my offline business clients?” Go here for Part I of my response… Now here’s…

Roger Abramson: Who Teaches The Best Marketing For Offline Clients? (Part I)

Roger Abramson: Who Teaches The Best Marketing For Offline Clients? (Part I)

A friend asked for my advice the other day: Who teaches the best marketing stuff for my offline business clients? Here is Part I of my response… My biz is…

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