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Stories written by Joe Polish and Dean Jackson

Joe Polish and Dean Jackson are the co-founders of I Love Marketing, a highly popular free weekly podcast on iTunes, and with Dan Sullivan.

Joe and Dean’s I Love Marketing® podcast has become a worldwide phenomena with I Love Marketing Meetup groups throughout the globe

Joe is also the Founder and President of Piranha Marketing Inc. He is also the creator of the Genius Network Interview Series and founder of The Genius Network Mastermind.

Dean, expert marketer and productivity expert, fell in love with Marketing as a young boy when he first realized that selling stuff on commission was way easier than renting myself out by the hour for a regular job…and he’s never looked back.

To listen to their podcast, visit:

Joe Polish and Dean Jackson: 3-D Thinking: The Formula to Effective Marketing, Attracting New Customers, and Keeping Your Current Clients Coming Back

Joe Polish and Dean Jackson: 3-D Thinking: The Formula to Effective Marketing, Attracting New Customers, and Keeping Your Current Clients Coming Back

How can you be an effective marketer? How can you make money and go deep with your clients? How can you create a community and bond with them? Believe it…