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Stories written by Howard Stephen Berg

Howard Stephen Berg is recognized as the world’s fastest reader. Get five free learning strategy videos by going to:


Howard Berg: Evaluating Your Mental Fitness

Howard Berg: Evaluating Your Mental Fitness

You want to succeed. You want to experience the full range of opportunities offered to you by life. You know that your brain plays a major role in enabling you…

Howard Berg: Maximizing Your Brain Power–How Mindset Can Make Or Break Your Mental Strength

Howard Berg: Maximizing Your Brain Power–How Mindset Can Make Or Break Your Mental Strength

If you are reading this, then I know you are someone who cares about their ability to think and learn faster and better. Often, people just like you ask me,…

Howard Berg: Power Blasting Your Brain’s Computing Power

Howard Berg: Power Blasting Your Brain’s Computing Power

You want your brain to quickly and easily find unique solutions to life’s challenges. You want a brain that can handle whatever happens effectively and consistently. You want your brain…

Howard Berg: Revealed – Five Key Factors For Increasing Your Mental Power

Howard Berg: Revealed – Five Key Factors For Increasing Your Mental Power

You know the important role your brain plays in your success at work, school, and home. You understand the need to maximize its efficiency by studying brain-based learning material like…

Howard Stephen Berg: The Secret To Creating Crystal Clear Copy

Howard Stephen Berg: The Secret To Creating Crystal Clear Copy

Schema is created by the verbs, and nouns used in your sentences. The passage contains vague words and nouns. In fact, it is loaded with numerous indefinite pronouns like “this…

Howard Stephen Berg: A Speed Reading Tip: The Power Of Your Unconscious Brain

Howard Stephen Berg: A Speed Reading Tip: The Power Of Your Unconscious Brain

How is it possible for some people to read as fast as they turn the page? One of the biggest secrets for accomplishing this is locked inside the way your…

Howard Stephen Berg: Improving Reading Comprehension Part 3 – Understanding Inspectional Reading

Howard Stephen Berg: Improving Reading Comprehension Part 3 – Understanding Inspectional Reading

This article will focus on the second level of four levels of reading comprehension as defined in Mortimer Adler’s ground-breaking book, “How To Read A Book.” This second level is…

Howard Stephen Berg: Improving Reading Comprehension Part 2 – The Problem Created By Inflection

Howard Stephen Berg: Improving Reading Comprehension Part 2 – The Problem Created By Inflection

Without a doubt, comprehension remains the primary focus while reading. In this series of articles, you have been learning about items that can interfere with successful comprehension during reading. In…

Howard Stephen Berg: Improving Reading Comprehension Part 1 – The Problem Created By Generalization

Howard Stephen Berg: Improving Reading Comprehension Part 1 – The Problem Created By Generalization

Reading comprehension is a crucial part of both professional and academic success. Yet, many people experience confusion while reading text. Even when they put a lot of focus and effort…

Howard Stephen Berg: Is It Your Diet or Blood Sugar?

Howard Stephen Berg: Is It Your Diet or Blood Sugar?

It’s important to take care of yourself so you can take care of your business. If you have vitamin or mineral deficiencies that are causing you to feel fatigued, sluggish,…