As Dan Kennedy always says, “The WHO is more important than the WHAT.”
In other words, if your message is narrowly-targeted to your ideal prospect, it doesn’t matter as much exactly what your message is.
That’s why the most important determination you can make right from the start is to decide exactly who you will be marketing your products or services to. Unless you have the multi-billion dollar marketing budget of McDonald’s or Coca-Cola, you don’t have the time or the money to market effectively to “everyone.”
And besides, as we marketing experts always warn, “If your target is everyone, your customer will be no one.” Now, more than ever, people want to feel that your message is meant specifically for THEM — and no one else.
This means that before you do anything else, you’ll want to pick what is called your “target market.” This is an narrowly-defined, clearly identifiable group of people you believe will be the best prospects for your business.
But in my experience helping thousands of small business owners, this decision to narrow their focus to one primary group of people is often a monumentally challenging task, because they sincerely want to help everyone (and very often their product or service CAN help a variety of people).
It also goes against human nature to make the decision to narrow your focus and ignore most people you could help in order to reach your goal of growing your business! Common sense seems to tell us that if we want to grow our business big, we need to appeal to MORE people — not less.
But in reality, the exact opposite is actually true.
When we narrow our focus to a particular group of people, we instantly become an expert in solving that group’s particular problems. We get to know them extremely well, and we can develop additional products and services to fill their needs.
So how do you decide who to market to?
Here are 5 tips to help you make this crucial decision:
1. Decide to go after the type of people who can MOST benefit from what you have to offer.
2. Choose to market to those whom you would most enjoy helping, or working with.
3. Make a list of the type of people who will be easiest to reach AND who will be most receptive to what you are selling. (We call this “the low-hanging fruit”!) These are people who KNOW they have THE problem you can solve and are actively LOOKING for a solution.
4. Know that just because you select a particular group of people to focus your marketing on, that does NOT mean you can’t also help others who may come to you (through referrals, web surfing, etc.) — it only means you’re going to focus your proactive marketing efforts (and your limited and precious marketing dollars) on the target group you select.
5. Finally: Don’t over-think it. Go with your gut and pick a group you feel you can really help, then immediately start to put together your marketing plan. Marketing is a dynamic process, constantly changing. The important thing is to get started. Then you can always refine your target market and your overall marketing plan later as you learn more and examine your results.
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