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John Veney: Your Attitude Sucks


I know, this is not a politically corrected statement for today’s world — but it’s true.

How many of you have come in contact with a receptionist that totally rubbed you the wrong way? You’ve seen them. They look as if they have been weaned on sour pickles. If they would smile their face would crack. You know exactly what I am talking about.

Attitude — your attitude — is extremely important when it comes to your personal success.

When someone meets you for the very first time, you only have seconds to convey to them that you are a stand-up person and that you have your head on straight.

Remember, you have come to add value to them and their organization. Your mission in life is to make a difference in this world. One person at a time.

You may be scratching your head right now because this is the first time that you have given any serious thought to first impressions. There are no do-overs when it comes to making a first good impression.

So, How do I accomplish this task of making a good impression?

  1. Self-Talk – I always am speaking to myself before an interview or before meeting someone new. Please, be careful with this one. If you are seen in the corner talking to yourself a wrong message may be given. Like, “This dude is a little crazy.”

    So I have developed a technique using self-talk. I have recorded the positive message I want to say to myself on my phone and with the help of my Bluetooth I hear myself giving me a pep talk. Great for staying focused while you wait to be seen.

    I use the old standard of writing myself a note that speaks to me. For example: “John, you are a winner.” “You are having a great day.” “Everyone you meet feels better after you meet them.”

    Brief messages like this will help inspire you and help you get the desired results when it comes to your success.

  2. Compassion – Who knows what kind of morning the person had before they came to work? A SMILE will melt any heart. You bring the sunshine — not the rain. Always look for a way to compliment someone. Find something. Could be as simple as the way the person is dressed, or how great their desk or workstation looks. And be sincere about it. No one likes a phony.

  3. Do Not Be A Know-It-All – Even if you know it all. Dial it back just a little. Your time to shine will happen soon enough.

Attitude is Emotional, Spiritual, Physical and Personal.

Attitude — the right attitude — can be a game-changer for you. It could mean the difference between getting a contract or not. I have had this happen to me many times. Contracts that were worth millions were given to my company because of my attitude toward the client.

So, how’s your attitude now? Better? That’s great. Pass it on.

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