I teach my clients to provide an ongoing stream of quality, helpful, valuable content for their prospects and clients.
This “providing value first” mindset is a key to building a loyal following of people who know that you truly care about helping them solve their problems.
However, creating a constant stream of quality content is a BIG challenge for most entrepreneurs – especially those just starting out as content creators.
That’s why I teach the strategy of “re-purposing” content.
In a nutshell, this means that whenever you take all the thought, time and effort it takes to create a piece of content, you then look to leverage it by using it in various different formats and locations.
For example, you can take an article you’ve written and…
As all of my clients know, I always “practice what I teach.”
So, as I sat down to write a Thanksgiving-based blog post for today, I first searched this blog for any previous post I may have written on the subject (you, too, can search for anything here among the hundreds of posts – just type a word or phrase into the “Search in site” box at the top right of this page).
Lo and behold, I came across a post I wrote the day before Thanksgiving two years ago.
My first thought was that a few things might have changed between then and now, but after reading it over a few times I realize that it is as perfectly appropriate today as it was the day I first wrote it.
Therefore, instead of writing an entirely new “Thanksgiving” post, I ask you to click here and read that post that I wrote two years ago, and think about how it applies to your life:
—–> www.RhinoDaily.com/an-attitude-of-gratitude
…and I wish that you, too…
(Only because I want to lead by example, that’s exactly what I’ll be doing.)
Happy Thanksgiving, dear reader!
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