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The End Of My Blog As We Know It

Steve Sipress & Ryan Deiss

I was hanging out with Ryan Deiss in a bar one night a few years back, and I asked him how he stays so laser-focused on constantly testing more online marketing strategies and tactics than anyone else on Earth.

His answer?

“When you have 80 employees and a huge overhead, you HAVE to keep taking massive action!”

I believe that Ryan was being extremely modest, because while many people have an office full of 80 or more employees, it is well-known that NO ONE does more testing of various online strategies and tactics than Ryan Deiss.

So when Ryan makes a major announcement, the marketing world listens.

And that’s exactly what he just did.

Ryan has just released two brand-new reports: “Authority Hacks” and “Free Traffic Loophole.”

Those 50 pages took me less than an hour to read, and have completely revolutionized my thoughts about my blog, and my future plans for it.

Click on the images below to get your own copies of Ryan’s brilliant reports:

Ryan Deiss Authority Hacks Ryan Deiss Free Traffic Loophole

Get Your Copies Of Ryan’s Reports Here

Here’s the bottom-line…

I’ve been faithfully and regularly posting new articles to this blog since 2009, sharing my everyday experiences and views of businesses large and small as they relate to direct response marketing for small business owners and entrepreneurs.

But now, thanks to Ryan’s two new reports, that’s all going to change drastically — for the better, and forever.


Because Ryan recently proclaimed “blogging” to be a capital crime in his office, and has literally told everyone (including his own staff writers) to STOP BLOGGING immediately.

It’s all based on something Ryan calls “The Oprah Factor.”

(You’ll have to read his reports to get the full explanation, and the exciting way that EVERY small business owner, entrepreneur and sales professional can unleash the power of his discovery to vault themselves into the “Authority” stratosphere.)


From now on, EVERYTHING about this blog is about to change.

You’ll see a whole new look.

And you’ll see a whole new level of content.

Will I experience the same earth-shattering improvement that Ryan Deiss has seen with his blogs?

Stick around to find out for yourself.

And if you have your own blog now, or you’re ever considering starting one, make sure to get your copies of his two amazing new reports, while they’re still free:

Ryan Deiss Authority Hacks Ryan Deiss Free Traffic Loophole

(**Can you tell how important I think these two reports are?**)

If you format your blog the right way from the start, you’ll avoid years of doing it all wrong, plus the hassle of correcting everything — which will put you way ahead of me.

I’d love to read your comment below. I read all of them, and respond when appropriate.

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