Stop The Bleeding!

Big mistake – holding on to something while it’s going down.
SS w biz owner – 5 locations, knows industry is crumbling. Still wants to make it work.
Me @ YP: “My ad isn’t working, so make it smaller.” OOPS!
Me w/Sim. Sports Svcs.: Cut staff, etc. = pain lasted longer, cost more in the long run.
It’s like staying in an abusive relationship, and thinking the guy will change.
link to “it’s not your baby” blog post
About Steve Sipress
Steve Sipress is the Publisher of, the Rhino Daily Podcast, and Rhino Monthly magazine.
He is one of the highest-paid and most-respected small business marketing consultants in the world, and is the creator of The WOW! Strategy™.
Watch an eye-opening video and request your FREE 1-on-1 The WOW! Strategy™ Session by going to:
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