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Mike Templeman: Content Creation on Mobile Devices: Will We Soon See it in the Workplace?


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Content creation continues to evolve and become increasingly more important in order for B2B businesses to find customers they need. While most of that has been done while working on a desktop computer, how is content creation through mobile technology growing? Or is it even growing at all?

We haven’t heard much about content creation on mobile devices for the benefit of use in a company or on their website. But as the Bring Your Own Device policies become more common in the workplace, will we see content creation on mobile devices become assimilated into the workplace and easier to use?

Much of that has to come through software that makes content easy to create on a smartphone. Some developments are happening in that right now.

Software That Allows Easier Creativity

Various software is becoming available that allows easy creative collaborations between people on mobile devices. One of those cited in a recent article about mobile content creation is called Workshare. This is being used by attorneys who can collaborate on content with their fellow legal team so they don’t have to hire others to create anything.

That’s always been the problem with content creation for companies: Spending the money to have someone else create content due to the time factor. Things like blogs, videos, and other content that can attract business can’t always be done by those in charge. However, with mobile creative software increasing, this might start to change soon.

Mobile content creation may also play a major factor in creating something immediately when news events or other situations happen.

Creating Content Faster While on the Go

With real-time marketing becoming a more popular endeavor with major corporations in advertising, content creation could also be a part of this revolution. Having the ability to create content quickly on a smartphone can help a company take advantage of something going on in the news that perhaps relates to the products you sell. Because time would be of the essence in these cases, creating a video, a new blog, or any other piece of content in a hurry on your site could be to your advantage.

Coming straight from you as the CEO also helps give more of a personalized stamp to the content rather than hiring those who may not understand your creative tone.

No matter what, content creation is going to be essential in capturing the most attention from prospective B2B customers into the indefinite future.

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