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Felicia Slattery: Building Empathy for Career Success

aRecently, I was the Featured Contributor to the Business Image Journal and was also interviewed for a blog site dedicated to home schoolers turned entrepreneurs. Both groups were interested in the most essential communication skill I think a person can have, both at work and at home. My answer? Empathy. Here are six tips I suggest for building empathy in your career. If you have more ideas, I’d love to hear your suggestions. Go ahead and join in the conversation!

Empathy is different than sympathy. Sympathy says, “I understand.” But empathy says, “I feel your pain.” And THAT’S what people most want. We want others to “get” us in a way that understanding alone cannot bring about. Here are a few tips to help you express empathy for your clients and prospects:

  1. Show them how you’ve been where they are and tell them how you felt while you were in the same situation. Whether you’re selling jewelry or virtual assistance services, you can probably relate to your clients’ problems in a very personal way.
  2. Stop selling and start listening —intently.
  3. Never, ever in any circumstance say, “I know how you feel.” You can say, “I had something similar happen to me and when it did I felt X. Is that how you feel?”
  4. Remember the Golden Rule and then take it one step further. Don’t only treat others as you would like to be treated, but treat others the way you would want your Mother, sister, best friend, or other person who is important and special in your life to be treated. After all, these people (clients and prospects) are so special they may give you some of their hard-earned money!
  5. Try to look at the situation from the other’s point of view, rather than your own. What possible message could s/he be receiving as a result of your actions or words?
  6. Validate others’ feelings as often as possible. People have a right to feel their emotions, regardless of if you agree with them or would feel the same way. Ask, “How can I help?”

By following these simple guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to practicing empathy regularly. Once you do, you’ll likely be pleasantly surprised by the results!

Now it’s your turn. What ideas do you have about building empathy?

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