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David T. Fagan: The Secret Power of Raw Emotion


You might have seen me cry, and I want to explain.

Sometimes I yell while running on the treadmill. More often than not, I cry during movies, TV, or even sporting events. It’s not even uncommon for people to tell me that I am laughing too loud.

I love to experience life to its fullest, and that means expressing my emotions in the open. There is a secret power that comes from tapping raw emotion. You see, raw emotion is sincere emotion, which is the best kind because it’s authentic. When we don’t express ourselves, we risk accepting various states of numbness.

In case you are wondering what this has to do with business … it has EVERYTHING to do with business!

You better love your business through a full-colored spectrum and not just in shades of grey. You should be upset and hurt when you don’t reach your goals. You should celebrate every success and cherish every relationship.

  • Do you have a game face?
  • Do you have the “eye of the tiger”?
  • Are you driven, and if so, by what?
  • Do you have heart?
  • Does your business have heart?

You should never hurt anyone or break any laws but otherwise…be real, FEEL!

This is what it means to be truly passionate about your business. This energy is contagious and intoxicating.

If you want more power, then you need to search for inspiration. If you want more inspiration, then look to tap raw emotion. You can find raw emotion through stories, music, movies, TV, art and exercise. Go in search of something that will make you laugh out loud, something that will make you cry with tears rolling down your cheeks, and something that will inspire new ideas.

Great leaders are great communicators. Great communicators understand emotions and how to share them. Just listen to Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech “I Have a Dream.” Now he knew how to tap raw emotion, and not just in his speeches. He lived his life like he delivered his speeches, with authentic emotion that moved the masses by his living example.

Why wouldn’t someone do this? Why don’t more people allow themselves to experience more emotions?

Quite simply, to do so is to care. When we really care and things don’t go the way we want it hurts. The more we care, the more it can hurt. So some choose to just not get their hopes up, to not invest any real emotion. But when we do that, we also hold back our efforts.

In order to get all of our efforts, all of our power, and put all the odds in our favor we have to commit and care!

No one wants to be wrong, and the only thing worse than being wrong is to be publicly wrong, but we must be bold. We must commit to the world our goals and predictions. We must be willing to lay it all on the line with devotion and emotion.

Whether it’s the beginning of the year or the start of a day, don’t just think like a robot. Rather, look to feel wholeheartedly. Expand the boundaries of what you experience and you will expand the power of what you are able to accomplish. This is the secret power of tapping raw emotion.

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